Popular 211 BPM Songs

Discover the hottest songs that has a tempo of 211 BPM. Our 211 BPM song chart consists of popular songs with the tempo of 211 BPM across all genres.

Last updated on February 19, 2025
1Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls Album CoverButtonsThe Pussycat DollsD Major10B211
2Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls Album CoverButtonsThe Pussycat DollsD Major10B211
3Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey Album CoverLovin', Touchin', Squeezin'JourneyD Major10B211
4Even When You're Nowhere Near by Blanca Trembley Album CoverEven When You're Nowhere NearBlanca TrembleyB♭ Major6B211
5Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls Album CoverButtonsThe Pussycat DollsD Major10B211
6夢一場 by 那英 Album Cover夢一場那英D Major10B211
7Lykke by Erna Kristiansen Album CoverLykkeErna KristiansenF♯ Minor11A211
8Mulberry Bush by Ronaldo Franke Album CoverMulberry BushRonaldo FrankeG Major9B211
9I'm in the Mood for Dancing by The Nolans Album CoverI'm in the Mood for DancingThe NolansA Major11B211
10Morning Coffee by Chevy, Nalba Album CoverMorning CoffeeChevy, NalbaD Major10B211
11Calma by Avi Oz Album CoverCalmaAvi OzE♭ Major5B211
12Cloud Castles by Irving Simon Album CoverCloud CastlesIrving SimonE♭ Major5B211
13Finding Dory (Main Title) by Thomas Newman Album CoverFinding Dory (Main Title)Thomas NewmanC Minor5A211
14Bink's Sake (From Bink's Sake (From "One Piece")daigoro789E♭ Major5B211
15Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey Album CoverLovin', Touchin', Squeezin'JourneyD Major10B211
16Buttons - Featuring Big Snoop Dogg by The Pussycat Dolls, Snoop Dogg Album CoverButtons - Featuring Big Snoop DoggThe Pussycat Dolls, Snoop DoggD Major10B211
17Buttons - Final Edit Version by The Pussycat Dolls, Snoop Dogg Album CoverButtons - Final Edit VersionThe Pussycat Dolls, Snoop DoggD Major10B211
18The Willow Lullaby by Elin Svensson Album CoverThe Willow LullabyElin SvenssonF♯ Major2B211
19The Portrait by James Horner Album CoverThe PortraitJames HornerF Major7B211
20Terrapin by Syd Barrett Album CoverTerrapinSyd BarrettA Major11B211
21Waves by Rich Mortimer Album CoverWavesRich MortimerC Major8B211
22Waves by Rich Mortimer Album CoverWavesRich MortimerC Major8B211
23I Should Be Alone Right Now by Coffee Jazz Melody Album CoverI Should Be Alone Right NowCoffee Jazz MelodyC Major8B211
24Karczmareczka by Gooral Album CoverKarczmareczkaGooralE Minor9A211
25Minuet by Niño Prodigio Album CoverMinuetNiño ProdigioA♭ Major4B211
26It's the Most Wondeful Time of the Year by Little Melody Album CoverIt's the Most Wondeful Time of the YearLittle MelodyF Major7B211
27Burungpun Ingat Pulang by Nia Daniaty Album CoverBurungpun Ingat PulangNia DaniatyA Major11B211
28Charleston by Sam Levine Album CoverCharlestonSam LevineC Major8B211
29さよーならあなた by Kaneko Ayano Album CoverさよーならあなたKaneko AyanoG Major9B211
30Don Dale by The Pretty Littles Album CoverDon DaleThe Pretty LittlesC Major8B211
31El Sinaloense by La Original Banda El Limón de Salvador Lizárraga Album CoverEl SinaloenseLa Original Banda El Limón de Salvador LizárragaB♭ Major6B211
32Zie De Maan Schijnt Door De Bomen by Monique Smit Album CoverZie De Maan Schijnt Door De BomenMonique SmitD Major10B211
33Mis Tiempos Pasados by Dueto Los Armadillos Album CoverMis Tiempos PasadosDueto Los ArmadillosF Major7B211
34Polly-Wolly-Doodle by Les petits cousins Album CoverPolly-Wolly-DoodleLes petits cousinsF Major7B211
35Life Flows by Slow Rising Hope Album CoverLife FlowsSlow Rising HopeC Major8B211
36I'm in the Mood for Dancing by The Nolans Album CoverI'm in the Mood for DancingThe NolansA Major11B211
37Stanky by Brontosauri Album CoverStankyBrontosauriD Major10B211
38True Love by Beatcoin Album CoverTrue LoveBeatcoinF Major7B211
39Rosas Blancas by Los Traileros Del Norte Album CoverRosas BlancasLos Traileros Del NorteG Major9B211
40Die Karawane zieht weiter... dä Sultan hät Doosch! by Höhner Album CoverDie Karawane zieht weiter... dä Sultan hät Doosch!HöhnerB♭ Major6B211
41Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls Album CoverButtonsThe Pussycat DollsD Major10B211
42Idea 22 - Sped Up by Gibran Alcocer Album CoverIdea 22 - Sped UpGibran AlcocerB Minor10A211
43Thank God It's Christmas by Ella Vos Album CoverThank God It's ChristmasElla VosA Major11B211
44Zum Geburtstag viel Glück by Kinderlieder-Superstar Album CoverZum Geburtstag viel GlückKinderlieder-SuperstarF Major7B211
45Macario Leyva by La Dinastía de Tuzantla Michoacán Album CoverMacario LeyvaLa Dinastía de Tuzantla MichoacánB♭ Major6B211
4690 Minutes Womb Sounds (Baby-Einschlafhilfe), Pt. 09 - New Version for Phones by sleep-o-phant Album Cover90 Minutes Womb Sounds (Baby-Einschlafhilfe), Pt. 09 - New Version for Phonessleep-o-phantD♭ Major3B211
47Zig zag game by Dhorian Album CoverZig zag gameDhorianB Minor10A211
48Release by Lamaism Enlightenment Album CoverReleaseLamaism EnlightenmentB♭ Minor3A211
49I want to waste time with you by Cheng Bi Album CoverI want to waste time with youCheng BiB♭ Major6B211
50Stryman by baaskaT Album CoverStrymanbaaskaTB Major1B211
51The Nights by Piano Cat Album CoverThe NightsPiano CatF♯ Major2B211
52I'm in the Mood for Dancing by The Nolans Album CoverI'm in the Mood for DancingThe NolansD Major10B211
53Piste Verte by Jean-Michel Kouleur Album CoverPiste VerteJean-Michel KouleurF Minor4A211
54Matin by Simeon Road Album CoverMatinSimeon RoadG Major9B211
55Don't Know Why - Piano Instrumental by Attila Fias Album CoverDon't Know Why - Piano InstrumentalAttila FiasF Major7B211
56Wade in the Water by Miss Freddye Album CoverWade in the WaterMiss FreddyeF♯ Minor11A211
57It's Growing by The Temptations Album CoverIt's GrowingThe TemptationsF Major7B211
58The War on War by Beans on Toast Album CoverThe War on WarBeans on ToastF♯ Major2B211
59Anybody But You by Malia Civetz Album CoverAnybody But YouMalia CivetzG Major9B211
60The Magic Kingdom by Piano Peace Album CoverThe Magic KingdomPiano PeaceD♭ Major3B211
61Alle meine Entchen by Isabell Classen Album CoverAlle meine EntchenIsabell ClassenC Major8B211
62Prayer III by DMX Album CoverPrayer IIIDMXC Minor5A211
63El Reten del Desengaño by El As De La Sierra Album CoverEl Reten del DesengañoEl As De La SierraB♭ Major6B211
64Lawdy Mama - Version 2 by Cream Album CoverLawdy Mama - Version 2CreamD Major10B211
65I Wanna Fuck You by Snoop Dogg, Akon Album CoverI Wanna Fuck YouSnoop Dogg, AkonD Major10B211
66Sun Rising by Piano Peace Album CoverSun RisingPiano PeaceD♭ Major3B211
67Tea For The Tillerman by Yusuf / Cat Stevens Album CoverTea For The TillermanYusuf / Cat StevensC Major8B211
68Havana Affair - Live at Rainbow Theatre, London, 12/31/77; 2019 Remaster by Ramones Album CoverHavana Affair - Live at Rainbow Theatre, London, 12/31/77; 2019 RemasterRamonesB Minor10A211
69Farewell by Megaraptor Album CoverFarewellMegaraptorA♭ Major4B211
70Got It To Go by STIFF RICHARDS Album CoverGot It To GoSTIFF RICHARDSC Major8B211
71reflections by TRØ. Album CoverreflectionsTRØ.F Major7B211
72Protection by Graham Parker Album CoverProtectionGraham ParkerA Major11B211
73El Patiecito by La Nobleza De Aguililla Album CoverEl PatiecitoLa Nobleza De AguilillaG Major9B211
74In Waves by Marisa Anderson Album CoverIn WavesMarisa AndersonD Major10B211
75I'm in the Mood for Dancing by The Nolans Album CoverI'm in the Mood for DancingThe NolansA Major11B211
76Parting Ways by Pearl Jam Album CoverParting WaysPearl JamE Major12B211
77Time by Ur Side by S N U G, WYS Album CoverTime by Ur SideS N U G, WYSB♭ Major6B211
78Piano Mentor by Piano Peace Album CoverPiano MentorPiano PeaceD♭ Major3B211
7990 Minutes Womb Sounds (Baby-Einschlafhilfe), Pt. 22 - New Version for Phones by sleep-o-phant Album Cover90 Minutes Womb Sounds (Baby-Einschlafhilfe), Pt. 22 - New Version for Phonessleep-o-phantB♭ Minor3A211
80Someone Like Me by Röyksopp Album CoverSomeone Like MeRöyksoppA Major11B211
81He Wil Jij Met Mij Vanavond Gaan Dansen by De Evening Stars Album CoverHe Wil Jij Met Mij Vanavond Gaan DansenDe Evening StarsF Major7B211
82Chomi Yabana by M'Du Album CoverChomi YabanaM'DuG Major9B211
83Slight Drizzle by S N U G, Haru Pandi Album CoverSlight DrizzleS N U G, Haru PandiB♭ Major6B211
84Solo para Ti by Los Fugitivos Album CoverSolo para TiLos FugitivosE Major12B211
85Mary, Did You Know by Feiert Jesus!, Pamela Natterer Album CoverMary, Did You KnowFeiert Jesus!, Pamela NattererE Major12B211
86Hung Up by 2nd Grade Album CoverHung Up2nd GradeF♯ Major2B211
87El Divorcio by Los Traileros Del Norte Album CoverEl DivorcioLos Traileros Del NorteE♭ Major5B211
88Tum Chhupa Na Sakogi by Prashant Katheriya Album CoverTum Chhupa Na SakogiPrashant KatheriyaC Minor5A211
89Only You - Orchestral Mix; 2018 - Remaster by Yazoo Album CoverOnly You - Orchestral Mix; 2018 - RemasterYazooA Major11B211
90Something (Instrumental Piano) by Matchstick Piano Man Album CoverSomething (Instrumental Piano)Matchstick Piano ManC Major8B211
91Metralleta Infernal by Lombardo Higuera Album CoverMetralleta InfernalLombardo HigueraG Major9B211
92Glück auf, der Steiger kommt by Bergsänger Geyer, Singkreis Schneeberg-Neustädtel Album CoverGlück auf, der Steiger kommtBergsänger Geyer, Singkreis Schneeberg-NeustädtelE♭ Major5B211
93What Can I Do by Lea Wright Album CoverWhat Can I DoLea WrightC Major8B211
94Every Beginning Ends by Coffee Jazz Melody Album CoverEvery Beginning EndsCoffee Jazz MelodyC Major8B211
95Gatita by jc la para musical Album CoverGatitajc la para musicalD♭ Major3B211
96I Won't Back Down by Alstad Album CoverI Won't Back DownAlstadF Major7B211
97Chasing Cars by Bechara Saliba Album CoverChasing CarsBechara SalibaF♯ Major2B211
98El remedio by Banda Zorro Album CoverEl remedioBanda ZorroD Major10B211
99Greensleeves by Relaxing Peace Album CoverGreensleevesRelaxing PeaceD Major10B211
100Direct Flyte by Cory Wong, Victor Wooten Album CoverDirect FlyteCory Wong, Victor WootenB Minor10A211

Top 5 Global Songs

Die With A Smile by Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars
Die With A SmileLady Gaga, Bruno Mars
F♯ Minor
158 BPM
I'm The Problem by Morgan Wallen
I'm The ProblemMorgan Wallen
D♭ Major
117 BPM
luther (with sza) by Kendrick Lamar, SZA
luther (with sza)Kendrick Lamar, SZA
D Major
138 BPM
BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish
G Major
110 BPM
A Bar Song (Tipsy) by Shaboozey
A Major
81 BPM

Top 5 New Songs

The hottest new releases in the past month
Abracadabra by Lady Gaga
AbracadabraLady Gaga
F Minor
136 BPM
Born Again (feat. Doja Cat & RAYE) by LISA, Doja Cat, RAYE
C Minor
95 BPM
Cry For Me by The Weeknd
Cry For MeThe Weeknd
G Minor
120 BPM
4X4 by Travis Scott
4X4Travis Scott
A♭ Major
154 BPM
Sports car by Tate McRae
Sports carTate McRae
G Major
94 BPM