Chris Crack's ' "No Papers No Parole" was released on its scheduled release date, October 21, 2022. For a fairly short song, this song is "No Papers No Parole" is considered an explicit song with a duration of 1:39. This song is part of What Y'all Mad About Today by Chris Crack. The song's track number on the album is #1 out of 16 tracks. No Papers No Parole is below average in popularity right now. The overall mood can be danceable to some, especially with it's high amount of postive energy.
Since No Papers No Parole by Chris Crack has a tempo of 79 beats per a minute, the tempo markings of this song would be Andante (at a walking pace). With No Papers No Parole being at 79 BPM, the half-time would be 40 BPM with a double-time of 158 BPM.In addition, we consider the tempo speed to be pretty slow for this song. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
F Minor is the music key of this track. Which also means that the camelot key for this song is 4A. So, the perfect camelot match for 4A would be either 4A or 3B. While, a low energy boost can consist of either 4B or 5A. For moderate energy boost, you would use 1A and a high energy boost can either be 6A or 11A. However, if you are looking for a low energy drop, finding a song with a camelot key of 3A would be a great choice. Where 7A would give you a moderate drop, and 2A or 9A would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 7B allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
BETWEEN THE COMMAS | Michaelangelo, RLX | A Major | 6 | 11B | 84 BPM | ||
Morning Sun | Fashawn, Che Noir, Bronze Nazareth, DJ Eclipse | F Minor | 9 | 4A | 138 BPM | ||
Dnt Sleep on Demar | Left Lane Didon, Benji Socrates, Jay Nice | C Major | 7 | 8B | 76 BPM | ||
Ali's Roti Shop | Chuck Strangers | B Major | 5 | 1B | 80 BPM | ||
Yin 2 Horny | Grubby Pawz, BoriRock | E♭ Minor | 6 | 2A | 76 BPM | ||
Gol Chane' | Ovrkast. | A Major | 8 | 11B | 81 BPM | ||
Makrel Jaxon | Mach-Hommy | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 140 BPM | ||
Chiney Brush | Mach-Hommy, Quelle Chris | A Major | 8 | 11B | 156 BPM | ||
2k4eva | AKAI SOLO, Pink Siifu | E Minor | 7 | 9A | 144 BPM | ||
Geronimo! | LOS | A Major | 7 | 11B | 113 BPM | ||
Self Sponsored | YUNGMORPHEUS | A♭ Minor | 8 | 1A | 78 BPM | ||
Poignant | Lord Juco, Finn, HWY 308 | B Major | 6 | 1B | 84 BPM | ||
Bishop Elroy | Seafood Sam | B♭ Minor | 5 | 3A | 172 BPM | ||
ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM | Daylan Gideon, Thomas Maggart | D♭ Minor | 6 | 12A | 120 BPM | ||
Two Pit Bulls | Chuck Strangers | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 154 BPM | ||
Strongside | Maxo | C Minor | 7 | 5A | 145 BPM | ||
Sex in the Fountain-Bleu (feat. Meyhem Lauren) | The Alchemist, Meyhem Lauren | A Major | 8 | 11B | 90 BPM | ||
Machine x Butcher | Cookin Soul | A♭ Major | 10 | 4B | 148 BPM | ||
A Player Poem | All Hail Y.T. | B Major | 7 | 1B | 78 BPM | ||
Simbi | Mach-Hommy | G Major | 8 | 9B | 150 BPM | ||
Nevrseen_ | Knxwledge | A Major | 5 | 11B | 80 BPM | ||
Bread | Ovrkast., Pink Siifu | D Major | 5 | 10B | 79 BPM | ||
Tapatio | Curren$y, Freddie Gibbs, The Alchemist | B♭ Minor | 8 | 3A | 116 BPM | ||
Vintage Horns | Termanology, Superstah Snuk | E Major | 1 | 12B | 117 BPM | ||
Black Sawada | iblss, AKAI SOLO | D♭ Major | 9 | 3B | 80 BPM |