"If You Were Mine" by MINOVA had its release date on February 27, 2023. With this song being around four minutes long, at 3:38, the duration of this song is pretty average compared to other songs. This track is safe for children and doesn't appear to contain any foul language, since the "Explicit" tag was not present in this track. The track order of this song in MINOVA's "If You Were Mine" album is number 1 out of 2. On top of that, Austria appears to be the country where this track was created. In terms of popularity, If You Were Mine is currently not that popular. Although the overall vibe is very danceable, it does project more negative sounds.
We consider the tempo marking of If You Were Mine by MINOVA to be Moderato (at a moderate speed) because the track has a tempo of 110 BPM, a half-time of 55BPM, and a double-time of 220 BPM. Based on that, the speed of the song's tempo is moderate. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
This song is in the music key of G Major. This also means that this song has a camelot key of 9B. So, the perfect camelot match for 9B would be either 9B or 10A. While, 10B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 6B and a high energy boost can either be 11B or 4B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 9A or 8B will give you a low energy drop, 12B would be a moderate one, and 7B or 2B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 6A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Notice Me | Peach Luffe | D Major | 6 | 10B | 94 BPM | ||
lover's grip | Them & I | D Major | 2 | 10B | 155 BPM | ||
lips | diet lemon | F♯ Major | 5 | 2B | 148 BPM | ||
Something To You | Natalie Wilson | A Major | 6 | 11B | 70 BPM | ||
Is This Falling? | Charlie Bennett | E Major | 0 | 12B | 200 BPM | ||
The Day That I Met You | Matilda Mann | D♭ Major | 3 | 3B | 92 BPM | ||
In My Ear | Worry Club | B Major | 4 | 1B | 120 BPM | ||
Tree Among Shrubs | Men I Trust | F Major | 1 | 7B | 62 BPM | ||
White Flag | Clairo | C Major | 5 | 8B | 100 BPM | ||
why don't u love me? - re-recorded | Wasia Project | F Major | 3 | 7B | 126 BPM | ||
live action epiphany | runo plum | C Major | 3 | 8B | 79 BPM | ||
Placebo Effect | d4vd | E Major | 2 | 12B | 61 BPM | ||
Tell Nobody | Jemzel | B Major | 5 | 1B | 106 BPM | ||
River | Blaize Jenkins | E Major | 6 | 12B | 126 BPM | ||
Favourite | SOMOH | G Minor | 8 | 6A | 152 BPM | ||
I Did Drugs For You | Rook Monroe | A Minor | 6 | 8A | 81 BPM | ||
like u love me | Rin | D Major | 3 | 10B | 81 BPM | ||
into the blackhole | HOAX | A Major | 4 | 11B | 125 BPM | ||
Since September | Walter The Producer | F♯ Minor | 7 | 11A | 130 BPM | ||
Ocean | Peach Luffe | B♭ Minor | 5 | 3A | 109 BPM | ||
very overdue goodbye | runo plum | B♭ Major | 3 | 6B | 83 BPM | ||
have a hell of a nice life | april june | D Major | 3 | 10B | 168 BPM | ||
Sad airplane | Tyler Burkhart | B♭ Major | 2 | 6B | 74 BPM | ||
stuck on you | april june, Yot Club | A Major | 5 | 11B | 147 BPM | ||
I Hope to Be Around | Men I Trust | B Major | 4 | 1B | 88 BPM |