On June 12, 2007, the song "Ca Fait Du Bien D'le Dire" was released by Flynt. This song is quite longer than the average track at 5 minutes and 20 seconds. With that being said, this track is also considered explicit and may be offensive to some people. The track order of this song in Flynt's "J'Eclaire Ma Ville" album is number 5 out of 15. In terms of popularity, Ca Fait Du Bien D'le Dire is currently not that popular. The overall tone is very danceable, especially with its high energy, which produces more of a euphoric, cheerful, or happy vibe.
We consider the tempo marking of Ca Fait Du Bien D'le Dire by Flynt to be Andante (at a walking pace) because the track has a tempo of 94 BPM, a half-time of 47BPM, and a double-time of 188 BPM. Based on that, the speed of the song's tempo is slow. Activities such as, yoga or pilates, can go well with this song. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
F♯ Minor is the music key of this track. This also means that this song has a camelot key of 11A. So, the perfect camelot match for 11A would be either 11A or 10B. While, a low energy boost can consist of either 11B or 12A. For moderate energy boost, you would use 8A and a high energy boost can either be 1A or 6A. However, if you are looking for a low energy drop, finding a song with a camelot key of 10A would be a great choice. Where 2A would give you a moderate drop, and 9A or 4A would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 2B allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Hommes de l'ombre | Mala, Lunatic | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 94 BPM | ||
12ème Lettre | Lino | F♯ Major | 6 | 2B | 141 BPM | ||
Qu'Est-Ce Tu Veux | La Brigade | F♯ Minor | 7 | 11A | 182 BPM | ||
Nous sommes les premiers sur... | La Rumeur | D Major | 8 | 10B | 93 BPM | ||
Stress | Lino | A♭ Major | 5 | 4B | 178 BPM | ||
Je me déteste | Saké | A Minor | 8 | 8A | 82 BPM | ||
24 heures | eben, Fabe, Mokodaf 2 | B Minor | 6 | 10A | 91 BPM | ||
Comme on débarque | Fonky Family | B Major | 9 | 1B | 101 BPM | ||
Etroite surveillance | Sat L'Artificier, Calbo | F♯ Major | 8 | 2B | 94 BPM | ||
Si je les avais écoutés | Fonky Family | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 100 BPM | ||
Le diable nous manipule | Le Gouffre | B♭ Major | 6 | 6B | 90 BPM | ||
Manu Key - Mafia k'1 fry | Manu Key | C Major | 6 | 8B | 118 BPM | ||
Arrête-ca | Mafia Trece | F♯ Minor | 5 | 11A | 93 BPM | ||
Flynt | Flynt | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 90 BPM | ||
Coup D'Pouce | 5 Majeur | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 93 BPM | ||
Les diables et les anges | Scred Connexion, Mokless | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 89 BPM | ||
Heptagone | ATK | D♭ Major | 8 | 3B | 93 BPM | ||
Mots vrais | Fabe, East | B Minor | 7 | 10A | 96 BPM | ||
Le métier rentre | Ekoué, K-Reen, Vasquez, Calbo | B Minor | 6 | 10A | 95 BPM | ||
OCB | MC Jean Gab'1 | B Major | 5 | 1B | 94 BPM | ||
Un jour comme un autre | Tandem, Mac Tyer, Mac Kregor | F Major | 8 | 7B | 88 BPM | ||
La Dance De La Violence | L'Skadrille | C Major | 9 | 8B | 92 BPM | ||
Tu parles trop | Haroun | F♯ Major | 7 | 2B | 91 BPM | ||
Mille et une vies | Lino | B Major | 8 | 1B | 93 BPM | ||
Le Choc Frontal | Explicit Dixhuit, Flynt | D Major | 6 | 10B | 91 BPM |