Hovvdy's 'Make Ya Proud' had a release date set for April 26, 2024. Make Ya Proud is explicit and may not be suitable for children. With the duration being about 3:30, this song is close to the average duration of a typical track. The track order of this song in Hovvdy's "Hovvdy" album is number 10 out of 19. On top of that, Canada appears to be the country where this track was created. Based on our statistics, Make Ya Proud's popularity is not that popular right now. Although the tone can be danceable to some, this track does projects more of a negative sound rather than a postive one.
We consider the tempo marking of Make Ya Proud by Hovvdy to be Moderato (at a moderate speed) because the track has a tempo of 120 BPM, a half-time of 60BPM, and a double-time of 240 BPM. Based on that, the speed of the song's tempo is fast. Activities such as, walking, can go well with this song. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
This song is in the music key of G Major. This also means that this song has a camelot key of 9B. So, the perfect camelot match for 9B would be either 9B or 10A. While, 10B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 6B and a high energy boost can either be 11B or 4B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 9A or 8B will give you a low energy drop, 12B would be a moderate one, and 7B or 2B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 6A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Cherish | Sour Widows | B Major | 4 | 1B | 93 BPM | ||
Beauty School | Christian Lee Hutson | F Major | 5 | 7B | 108 BPM | ||
Woolgathering | Hannah Frances | G Major | 2 | 9B | 126 BPM | ||
Stick Around | Medium Build | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 135 BPM | ||
Home For The Moment | Julien Chang | F♯ Minor | 1 | 11A | 165 BPM | ||
Naperville | Katy Kirby | B Major | 4 | 1B | 173 BPM | ||
If It's Gone | Good Looks | A♭ Major | 8 | 4B | 141 BPM | ||
Patterns | Laura Marling | F♯ Major | 1 | 2B | 111 BPM | ||
Haunted Landscape, Echoing Cave | Hannah Frances | C Major | 6 | 8B | 89 BPM | ||
No Good | Christopher Owens | C Major | 3 | 8B | 123 BPM | ||
Little Bit More | Mk.gee | D♭ Minor | 5 | 12A | 120 BPM | ||
Wristwatch | MJ Lenderman | F Major | 5 | 7B | 104 BPM | ||
Catholic Dracula | Wild Pink | G Major | 7 | 9B | 118 BPM | ||
Air Drumming Fix You | Wild Pink | D Major | 8 | 10B | 114 BPM | ||
My Best Friend Needs | Babehoven | E Major | 3 | 12B | 206 BPM | ||
Statues | Friko | D♭ Major | 1 | 3B | 89 BPM | ||
Itch | Porches | B♭ Major | 1 | 6B | 105 BPM | ||
She Loves Me | Dora Jar | D Major | 4 | 10B | 140 BPM | ||
Nurture | youbet | G Major | 6 | 9B | 142 BPM | ||
Broken Twin | Lutalo | C Major | 8 | 8B | 93 BPM | ||
Don’t Cry Now | Pedro The Lion | A♭ Major | 8 | 4B | 141 BPM | ||
Some Kind of Angel | Georgia Gets By | E Major | 3 | 12B | 94 BPM | ||
Tear Your Heart Out | villagerrr | F Major | 5 | 7B | 80 BPM | ||
Honesty | villagerrr | E♭ Major | 7 | 5B | 85 BPM | ||
Gates of Heaven | Horse Jumper of Love | E Major | 7 | 12B | 73 BPM |