Lonely by Dark Colors Song Details

Dark Colors's ' "Lonely" was released on its scheduled release date, June 11, 2021. With this song being around four minutes long, at 4:28, the duration of this song is pretty average compared to other songs. This track is safe for children and doesn't appear to contain any foul language, since the "Explicit" tag was not present in this track. The track order of this song in Dark Colors's "Intro" album is number 3 out of 3. On top of that, France appears to be the country where this track was created. In terms of popularity, Lonely is currently below average in popularity. The overall tone is very danceable, especially with its high energy, which produces more of a euphoric, cheerful, or happy vibe.

BPM and Tempo

We consider the tempo marking of Lonely by Dark Colors to be Andante (at a walking pace) because the track has a tempo of 100 BPM, a half-time of 50BPM, and a double-time of 200 BPM. Based on that, the speed of the song's tempo is slow. The time signature for this track is 4/4.

Music Key

E♭ Minor is the music key of this track. Because this track belongs in the E♭ Minor key, the camelot key is 2A. So, the perfect camelot match for 2A would be either 2A or 1B. While, a low energy boost can consist of either 2B or 3A. For moderate energy boost, you would use 11A and a high energy boost can either be 4A or 9A. However, if you are looking for a low energy drop, finding a song with a camelot key of 1A would be a great choice. Where 5A would give you a moderate drop, and 12A or 7A would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 5B allows you to change the mood.

Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!

-5.522 dB


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L-M Records/RCA Records