Cebe's ' "NİRVANA" was released on its scheduled release date, May 19, 2023. For a fairly short song, this song is "NİRVANA" is considered an explicit song with a duration of 1:39. Because this song is the only song in NİRVANA and no other songs are present in the album, we classify this track as a single. Furthermore, we believe that the track originated from France. In terms of popularity, NİRVANA is currently not that popular. The overall mood can be danceable to some, especially with it's high amount of postive energy.
With NİRVANA by Cebe having a BPM of 100 with a half-time of 50 BPM and a double-time of 200 BPM, we would consider this track to have a Andante (at a walking pace) tempo marking. Because of this, we believe that the song has an overall slow tempo. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
C Major is the music key of this track. This also means that this song has a camelot key of 8B. So, the perfect camelot match for 8B would be either 8B or 9A. While, 9B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 5B and a high energy boost can either be 10B or 3B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 8A or 7B will give you a low energy drop, 11B would be a moderate one, and 6B or 1B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 5A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
TUT ELLERIMI | Emirr, akan10 | D♭ Major | 5 | 3B | 172 BPM | ||
Psycho | Marcus | D♭ Minor | 5 | 12A | 142 BPM | ||
ateş & barut | dGL | E Minor | 6 | 9A | 140 BPM | ||
Boshla | RealDivan, Asef Akbari | F Major | 7 | 7B | 105 BPM | ||
İCGB | BERO257 | C Major | 6 | 8B | 143 BPM | ||
Bu gece olmaz | Parc | B Minor | 5 | 10A | 93 BPM | ||
HARCARIM ISRARLA | TAI | B Major | 5 | 1B | 140 BPM | ||
Anonim | Hasta Köpek | F Minor | 8 | 4A | 120 BPM | ||
Kira | Miğfer | E Minor | 7 | 9A | 80 BPM | ||
Flow Me 3 | vakkas, Raym | D Major | 6 | 10B | 126 BPM | ||
Metro | dunya | G Minor | 4 | 6A | 150 BPM | ||
Pioneer | Strach | D Major | 6 | 10B | 102 BPM | ||
Durdurun | Fow | G Major | 5 | 9B | 160 BPM | ||
DERİ DIOR | Samuazir | D Major | 6 | 10B | 173 BPM | ||
KIWRAK | CİO | D Major | 7 | 10B | 120 BPM | ||
Kalamam yanında | 282 | B♭ Minor | 3 | 3A | 139 BPM | ||
Sigara | MERMI | B Minor | 7 | 10A | 140 BPM | ||
İHALE | ViceArnold, Olvi | F♯ Minor | 3 | 11A | 140 BPM | ||
Roleplay | vage | E Minor | 6 | 9A | 140 BPM | ||
HANNIBAL | BATUBOW, KVCKIN | G Major | 9 | 9B | 144 BPM | ||
Rüya Gibisin | kanatsizcikolata | F Minor | 6 | 4A | 103 BPM | ||
Yarınlarım Ol | Lil deez | F♯ Minor | 6 | 11A | 83 BPM | ||
Yalanlama Bana | Bertzo | B Minor | 4 | 10A | 105 BPM | ||
Bana Gel | dunya | C Minor | 6 | 5A | 95 BPM | ||
Derdin Ne? | akuma | F♯ Minor | 4 | 11A | 136 BPM |