Dirge of the Divine

February 23, 2024
Number of Tracks
1Anthem of the Eternal by AKIRA HONDAAnthem of the EternalAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
2Cantata of the Departed by AKIRA HONDACantata of the DepartedAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
3Canticle of the Dark Sun by AKIRA HONDACanticle of the Dark SunAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
4Canticle of the Monolith by AKIRA HONDACanticle of the MonolithAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
5Caprice of the Zodiac by AKIRA HONDACaprice of the ZodiacAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
6Cataclysmic Sonata by AKIRA HONDACataclysmic SonataAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
7Chorus of the Eclipse by AKIRA HONDAChorus of the EclipseAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
8Chorus of the Eclipse\2 by AKIRA HONDAChorus of the Eclipse\2AKIRA HONDAA♭ Minor1A140
9Chronos Rapture by AKIRA HONDAChronos RaptureAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
10Cryptic Anthem by AKIRA HONDACryptic AnthemAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
11Descent into Madness by AKIRA HONDADescent into MadnessAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
12Dirge of Eternity by AKIRA HONDADirge of EternityAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
13Dirge of the Divine by AKIRA HONDADirge of the DivineAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
14Echoes of the Void by AKIRA HONDAEchoes of the VoidAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
15Elegy of the Forsaken by AKIRA HONDAElegy of the ForsakenAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
16Elegy of the Nexus by AKIRA HONDAElegy of the NexusAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
17Elegy of the Phantom Seas by AKIRA HONDAElegy of the Phantom SeasAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
18Ethereal Nox by AKIRA HONDAEthereal NoxAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
19Fantasia of the Enigma by AKIRA HONDAFantasia of the EnigmaAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
20Harmony of the Spheres by AKIRA HONDAHarmony of the SpheresAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
21Lament of the Titan by AKIRA HONDALament of the TitanAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
22Lullaby of the Last Star by AKIRA HONDALullaby of the Last StarAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
23Minuet of the Mirage by AKIRA HONDAMinuet of the MirageAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
24Prelude of the Tempest by AKIRA HONDAPrelude of the TempestAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
25Rapture of the Arcane by AKIRA HONDARapture of the ArcaneAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
26Requiem of the Cosmos by AKIRA HONDARequiem of the CosmosAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
27Rhapsody of the Mystic by AKIRA HONDARhapsody of the MysticAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
28Serenade of the Endless Night by AKIRA HONDASerenade of the Endless NightAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118
29Symphony of the Seer by AKIRA HONDASymphony of the SeerAKIRA HONDAC Minor5A118