"Saicol Nº3" by Moon Refreshcant had its release date on February 26, 2024. With This song being less than two minutes long, at 1:25, we are fairly confident that this song is not explicit and is safe for all ages. Based on the duration of this song, this song duration is much smaller than the average song duration. There are a total of 6 in the song's album "Saicol". In this album, this song's track order is #3. Furthermore, we believe that the track originated from United States. Saicol Nº3 is unknown right now. In our opinion, the overall tone is not very danceable and projects negative sounds, such as being sad, depressed, or angry.
With Saicol Nº3 by Moon Refreshcant having a BPM of 67 with a half-time of 34 BPM and a double-time of 134 BPM, we would consider this track to have a Adagio (slowly with great expression) tempo marking. Because of this, we believe that the song has an overall slow tempo. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
This song is in the music key of C Major. Or for those who are familiar with the camelot wheel, this song has a camelot key of 8B. So, the perfect camelot match for 8B would be either 8B or 9A. While, 9B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 5B and a high energy boost can either be 10B or 3B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 8A or 7B will give you a low energy drop, 11B would be a moderate one, and 6B or 1B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 5A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
5th Chakra: G 3.0 | Steven Halpern | G Major | 0 | 9B | 66 BPM | ||
432 hz Música para meditar, Pt. 11 | Frecuencias Sagradas | G Major | 0 | 9B | 92 BPM | ||
Lindo | Little Symphony | A Minor | 0 | 8A | 84 BPM | ||
Reflections On Water | Zen Hanami | C Major | 1 | 8B | 69 BPM | ||
The Animal Spirits Will Guide Your Journey | The Jupiter Factor | B Minor | 2 | 10A | 58 BPM | ||
Frequency of Money | Andromedan Light | E♭ Minor | 0 | 2A | 88 BPM | ||
Lavender Oil Aromatherapy | Maire Rama | F Major | 1 | 7B | 80 BPM | ||
Blessed & Rain | Josef Homola | A Minor | 0 | 8A | 65 BPM | ||
Secret Meadows & Ocean Waves | Josef Homola | E♭ Major | 0 | 5B | 90 BPM | ||
Imagination Station | Elisio | F♯ Minor | 0 | 11A | 75 BPM | ||
Coral Pink Sand | Wind Makers | A Major | 1 | 11B | 62 BPM | ||
Calming Music 432 Hz With Rain Sounds With Rain, Pt. 31 | Raindrop Freddie | E Major | 0 | 12B | 115 BPM | ||
Supernova Sonata | Relaxed Dog NGO | F♯ Minor | 0 | 11A | 81 BPM | ||
Her Pictures | Devereux Cox | F Minor | 1 | 4A | 78 BPM | ||
Meditation by the Sea | Moonlight Richards | E Major | 1 | 12B | 112 BPM | ||
For You | Chris Clasue | A♭ Major | 1 | 4B | 74 BPM | ||
Highlands | Jedi Dreams | A♭ Minor | 0 | 1A | 131 BPM | ||
528 Hz Neon Whispers | Asajj Sadie | D Major | 0 | 10B | 81 BPM | ||
Whymper | Little Symphony | G Major | 3 | 9B | 82 BPM | ||
Galaxies | Tiki Kora | A Minor | 0 | 8A | 74 BPM | ||
Pathway to Growth | Horizon Project | A♭ Minor | 1 | 1A | 82 BPM | ||
Night Waves | Summer Sea | A Minor | 1 | 8A | 55 BPM | ||
เพลงนอนหลับหลับลึก - เพลงบรรเลง | เสียงจันทร์, จดจ่อและสมาธิ | D Major | 0 | 10B | 34 BPM | ||
Hamaca | Moon Refreshcant | F Major | 0 | 7B | 75 BPM | ||
Snow Never Falls - Slowed | Dark Academia Music, Mohamed Elachiri | E♭ Minor | 0 | 2A | 72 BPM |