Peter Pan's 'Vorsicht, Kamera! - Teil 6' had a release date set for 2012. The duration of This song is about 3 minutes long, at 3:06. Based on our data, This song appears to be safe for all ages and is not considered explicit. This track is about the average length of a typical track. There are a total of 9 in the song's album "Staffel 2, Folge 10: Vorsicht, Kamera! (Das Original-Hörspiel zur TV-Serie)". In this album, this song's track order is #6. Furthermore, we believe that the track originated from Germany. In terms of popularity, Vorsicht, Kamera! - Teil 6 is currently not that popular. Although the tone can be danceable to some, this track does projects more of a negative sound rather than a postive one.
With Vorsicht, Kamera! - Teil 6 by Peter Pan having a BPM of 95 with a half-time of 48 BPM and a double-time of 190 BPM, we would consider this track to have a Andante (at a walking pace) tempo marking. Because of this, we believe that the song has an overall slow tempo. Looking at the BPM of this song, this song might go great with yoga or pilates. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
This song has a musical key of G Major. Or for those who are familiar with the camelot wheel, this song has a camelot key of 9B. So, the perfect camelot match for 9B would be either 9B or 10A. While, 10B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 6B and a high energy boost can either be 11B or 4B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 9A or 8B will give you a low energy drop, 12B would be a moderate one, and 7B or 2B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 6A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Kapitel 03: Der Atlantika-Tag | Disney Junior Arielle | D♭ Major | 9 | 3B | 118 BPM | ||
Kapitel 3 - Teil 5: Hexenbuch und Schnüffelnase | Petronella Apfelmus, Sabine Städing, Nana Spier, Simon Roden, Michael-Che Koch | D♭ Major | 4 | 3B | 82 BPM | ||
Kapitel 15: Der geheime Club (Folge 28) | Die Fussballbande | C Minor | 5 | 5A | 67 BPM | ||
Kapitel 6.5 & Kapitel 7.1 - Peter Pan | James M. Barrie, Peter Pan | G Minor | 2 | 6A | 169 BPM | ||
Scream Scratch - Teil 1 | Ghostforce | B♭ Minor | 8 | 3A | 62 BPM | ||
Kapitel 16 - Der junge Sherlock Holmes, Folge 11: Die Zeitmaschine | Sherlock Holmes, David Bredel, Florian Fickel, Dirk Petrick, Sebastian Fitzner, Norbert Langer, Charles Rettinghaus, Dietmar Wunder | G Major | 7 | 9B | 57 BPM | ||
Jagd nach dem Highscore - Teil 1 | Kingdom Force, Irene Stratenwerth, Frank Jordan, Isabella Vinet, Peggy Pollow, Michael Ernst, Ilka Teichmüller, Rainer Fritzsche, Josefine Schmidt | F♯ Major | 7 | 2B | 72 BPM | ||
Nick der Schlossherr - Teil 1 | Mighty Express | D♭ Major | 5 | 3B | 113 BPM | ||
Das kommt Idefix iberisch vor - Teil 03 | Idefix und die Unbeugsamen | D Major | 6 | 10B | 77 BPM | ||
Kapitel 7.2 - Peter Pan | James M. Barrie, Peter Pan | A Minor | 3 | 8A | 128 BPM | ||
Kapitel 01: Die Schneeleoparden-Rettung (Folge 18) | Petronix Defenders | E Minor | 5 | 9A | 83 BPM | ||
Der Schulgarten - Teil 2 | Alvin und die Chipmunks | D♭ Major | 5 | 3B | 130 BPM | ||
Unsichtbar - Teil 3 | Alvin und die Chipmunks | A♭ Major | 5 | 4B | 82 BPM | ||
Jagd nach dem Highscore - Teil 4 | Kingdom Force, Irene Stratenwerth, Frank Jordan, Isabella Vinet, Peggy Pollow, Michael Ernst, Ilka Teichmüller, Rainer Fritzsche, Josefine Schmidt | F♯ Major | 7 | 2B | 72 BPM | ||
Operation: Boston Tea Party - Teil 6 | Carmen Sandiego | D Major | 6 | 10B | 71 BPM | ||
Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich 4 - Teil 05 | Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich | D♭ Major | 5 | 3B | 90 BPM | ||
WhatsApp Chats zum Lachen 11 (Teil 01) | Gibts Nicht | B♭ Minor | 7 | 3A | 90 BPM | ||
200% Wolf (Das Hörspiel zum Kinofilm) - Teil 33 | 100% Wolf | A Minor | 5 | 8A | 74 BPM | ||
Der Stein der Zwietracht - Teil 8 | Peter Pan | B Major | 5 | 1B | 69 BPM | ||
Kapitel 02: Die Nashorn-Rettung (Folge 45) | Petronix Defenders | C Major | 5 | 8B | 100 BPM | ||
Wenn Helden streiten - Teil 2 | Peter Pan | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 84 BPM | ||
Kapitel 20.2 & Kapitel 21.1 - Der kleine Ritter Trenk [Folge 1, 1. Staffel] | Der kleine Ritter Trenk (Original-Hörspiele zur ZDF-Serie), Kirsten Boie | C Major | 5 | 8B | 119 BPM | ||
Kapitel 02: Das Putzteam | Disney Junior Arielle | D Major | 5 | 10B | 67 BPM | ||
Kapitel 29.2 - Der kleine Ritter Trenk [Folge 1, 1. Staffel] | Der kleine Ritter Trenk (Original-Hörspiele zur ZDF-Serie), Kirsten Boie | C Major | 5 | 8B | 119 BPM | ||
Gefährliches Lagunenwasser - Teil 2 | Peter Pan | D♭ Major | 6 | 3B | 117 BPM |