"Journey of Light" by David Brymer had its release date on May 27, 2020. Since This song is still less than 10 minute long, it is still considered a pretty long duration song compared to the average song length. This song does not appear to be explicit due to the lack of the "E" tag. There are a total of 8 in the song's album "Piano Diaries 3". In this album, this song's track order is #2. In terms of popularity, Journey of Light is currently average in popularity. In our opinion, the overall tone is not very danceable and projects negative sounds, such as being sad, depressed, or angry.
With Journey of Light by David Brymer having a BPM of 112 with a half-time of 56 BPM and a double-time of 224 BPM, we would consider this track to have a Moderato (at a moderate speed) tempo marking. Because of this, we believe that the song has an overall moderate tempo. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
A Major is the music key of this track. Or for those who are familiar with the camelot wheel, this song has a camelot key of 11B. So, the perfect camelot match for 11B would be either 11B or 12A. While, 12B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 8B and a high energy boost can either be 1B or 6B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 11A or 10B will give you a low energy drop, 2B would be a moderate one, and 9B or 4B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 8A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Faith in Motion | Julie True | B Major | 2 | 1B | 179 BPM | ||
Hope For Tomorrow | PraiseCharts | F Major | 1 | 7B | 110 BPM | ||
Over Treetops | Carl Eksmo | A Major | 4 | 11B | 116 BPM | ||
Never Alone - Instrumental | draw close | D Major | 0 | 10B | 122 BPM | ||
Memories | Justin Byrne | F Major | 0 | 7B | 130 BPM | ||
O Come to the Altar | Quietly Now | C Major | 0 | 8B | 92 BPM | ||
Grateful for Life | Scripture Lullabies, Jay Stocker | F Major | 0 | 7B | 63 BPM | ||
Gratitude (Piano Version) | The Worship Pianist | B Major | 0 | 1B | 148 BPM | ||
Jesus Paid it All | A Jackson Sound | F Major | 2 | 7B | 0 BPM | ||
Deeper Water - Instrumental | Ry Cox | C Major | 1 | 8B | 96 BPM | ||
For You | silver grace | G Major | 1 | 9B | 200 BPM | ||
You Won't Relent - Instrumental | Abundant Life Piano | E Major | 1 | 12B | 170 BPM | ||
10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) - Piano Instrumental Version | Rick Austin Evans | B♭ Major | 2 | 6B | 136 BPM | ||
Unmatchable Kindness | Chillout Avenue | G Major | 1 | 9B | 200 BPM | ||
No Longer There | Chillout Avenue | C Major | 0 | 8B | 173 BPM | ||
Patience and Light | David Brymer | E Major | 0 | 12B | 135 BPM | ||
Beautiful flowers | silver grace | C Major | 0 | 8B | 71 BPM | ||
This I Believe (The Creed) | Quietly Now | C Major | 2 | 8B | 145 BPM | ||
God Is Able | Scripture Lullabies, Jay Stocker | C Minor | 0 | 5A | 69 BPM | ||
Still Small Voice | Jordan Biel | E Major | 0 | 12B | 116 BPM | ||
Praying Heart | Eric Gilmour | A Minor | 0 | 8A | 66 BPM | ||
Lament | New Life Worship | C Major | 3 | 8B | 83 BPM | ||
Jesus be the Centre - Instrumental | Abundant Life Piano | D Major | 0 | 10B | 70 BPM | ||
Still | Heir | F♯ Major | 0 | 2B | 64 BPM | ||
Home Is Here | Let It Bloom | D Major | 2 | 10B | 134 BPM |