José González's 'Every Age' had a release date set for February 17, 2015. The duration of This song is about 3 minutes long, at 3:10. Based on our data, This song appears to be safe for all ages and is not considered explicit. This track is about the average length of a typical track. This song is part of Vestiges & Claws by José González. The song's track number on the album is #6 out of 10 tracks. Based on our data, Sweden was the country where this track was produced or recorded. Based on our statistics, Every Age's popularity is below average in popularity right now. Although the overall vibe is very danceable, it does project more negative sounds.
Since Every Age by José González has a tempo of 150 beats per a minute, the tempo markings of this song would be Allegro (fast, quick, and bright). With Every Age being at 150 BPM, the half-time would be 75 BPM with a double-time of 300 BPM.In addition, we consider the tempo speed to be pretty fast for this song. This makes this song perfect for activities such as, jogging or cycling. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
This song is in the music key of B Major. Or for those who are familiar with the camelot wheel, this song has a camelot key of 1B. So, the perfect camelot match for 1B would be either 1B or 2A. While, 2B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 10B and a high energy boost can either be 3B or 8B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 1A or 12B will give you a low energy drop, 4B would be a moderate one, and 11B or 6B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 10A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
3 Rounds and a Sound | Blind Pilot | D♭ Major | 3 | 3B | 59 BPM | ||
Come Talk To Me | Bon Iver | D Major | 7 | 10B | 102 BPM | ||
Slow Revolution | Alexi Murdoch | C Major | 2 | 8B | 133 BPM | ||
Sheets | Damien Jurado | F♯ Major | 3 | 2B | 110 BPM | ||
Mightiest of Guns | A.A. Bondy | C Major | 2 | 8B | 85 BPM | ||
Maraqopa | Damien Jurado | A Minor | 2 | 8A | 90 BPM | ||
Sister Song | Perfume Genius | E Major | 1 | 12B | 79 BPM | ||
I Will Not Sing A Hateful Song - Alternate Version | Constantines | A Major | 1 | 11B | 81 BPM | ||
Lost In The Light | Bahamas | D Major | 3 | 10B | 76 BPM | ||
Pull It Away | Siskiyou | G Major | 1 | 9B | 97 BPM | ||
Aurora | Zero 7, José González | B Major | 4 | 1B | 97 BPM | ||
Perfect Darkness | Fink | G Major | 4 | 9B | 90 BPM | ||
Give A Little Love | Noah And The Whale | E♭ Minor | 4 | 2A | 114 BPM | ||
About Today - 2021 Remaster | The National | A Minor | 6 | 8A | 105 BPM | ||
Lovestain | José González | A♭ Major | 2 | 4B | 146 BPM | ||
History Book | Dry the River | E♭ Major | 4 | 5B | 124 BPM | ||
Burn Card | The Barr Brothers | C Major | 6 | 8B | 97 BPM | ||
Teardrop | José González | G Major | 6 | 9B | 74 BPM | ||
April | Nick Mulvey | G Minor | 4 | 6A | 81 BPM | ||
In the Yard | Bowerbirds | C Major | 5 | 8B | 128 BPM | ||
Crooked Smile | The Weepies, Deb Talan, Steve Tannen | F♯ Major | 3 | 2B | 112 BPM | ||
My Favourite Faded Fantasy | Damien Rice | D Major | 2 | 10B | 147 BPM | ||
Ooh, Belle | The Barr Brothers | D Major | 4 | 10B | 143 BPM | ||
Far From Any Road (Be My Hand) | Andrew Bird | D Minor | 2 | 7A | 130 BPM | ||
Stealth | Lauren Shera | D Major | 4 | 10B | 87 BPM |