Conner Smith's ' "Smoky Mountains" was released on its scheduled release date, January 26, 2024. The duration of This song is about two minutes long, specifically at 2:42. This song does not appear to have any foul language. Smoky Mountains's duration is considered a little bit shorter than the average duration of a typical track. There are a total of 12 in the song's album "Smoky Mountains". In this album, this song's track order is #1. In terms of popularity, Smoky Mountains is currently not that popular. Since there is more of a neutral sound being played, this makes the track somewhat danceable.
With Smoky Mountains by Conner Smith having a BPM of 112 with a half-time of 56 BPM and a double-time of 224 BPM, we would consider this track to have a Moderato (at a moderate speed) tempo marking. Because of this, we believe that the song has an overall moderate tempo. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
C Major is the music key of this track. Or for those who are familiar with the camelot wheel, this song has a camelot key of 8B. So, the perfect camelot match for 8B would be either 8B or 9A. While, 9B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 5B and a high energy boost can either be 10B or 3B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 8A or 7B will give you a low energy drop, 11B would be a moderate one, and 6B or 1B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 5A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Better On A Boat | Drew Parker | A♭ Major | 3 | 4B | 83 BPM | ||
PREACHERS NEED PEOPLE | Graham Barham | F♯ Major | 5 | 2B | 151 BPM | ||
Make Me A Mop | Cody Johnson | D Major | 2 | 10B | 136 BPM | ||
Hungover in a Deer Stand | Dylan Marlowe | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 126 BPM | ||
Better Off Fishin' | Shane Profitt | D Major | 9 | 10B | 156 BPM | ||
I’m In Love | Hailey Whitters | B Major | 9 | 1B | 152 BPM | ||
Home Less | Owen Riegling | F♯ Major | 7 | 2B | 100 BPM | ||
Man of Few Words | John Morgan | F♯ Major | 9 | 2B | 146 BPM | ||
God Moments | Conner Smith | C Major | 9 | 8B | 113 BPM | ||
World Spin | Conner Smith | E♭ Major | 4 | 5B | 148 BPM | ||
Amy's Back In Austin | Eli Young Band, George Birge | G Major | 10 | 9B | 117 BPM | ||
Kiss My Boots | Brian Kelley | G Minor | 7 | 6A | 147 BPM | ||
Trucks, Ducks, Bucks & Beer | Brian Kelley | G Minor | 7 | 6A | 147 BPM | ||
May Be | Vincent Mason | B♭ Major | 6 | 6B | 102 BPM | ||
So Long Summer | The Tuten Brothers | A Major | 8 | 11B | 110 BPM | ||
Hair Down | Kyle Clark | F♯ Major | 8 | 2B | 112 BPM | ||
Good News Sold | Jordan Davis | F Major | 6 | 7B | 80 BPM | ||
Never Really Know | Kameron Marlowe | B Major | 6 | 1B | 140 BPM | ||
Beer With My Buddies (feat. HARDY, Josh Thompson & Travis Denning) | HIXTAPE, HARDY, Travis Denning, Josh Thompson | C Major | 9 | 8B | 132 BPM | ||
Silverado Slow | Clayton Mullen | D♭ Major | 4 | 3B | 142 BPM | ||
Same Thing | Payton Smith | F♯ Minor | 8 | 11A | 144 BPM | ||
One Of Mine | Drew Green | D Major | 5 | 10B | 81 BPM | ||
River Run | Ian Munsick | A Major | 7 | 11B | 94 BPM | ||
Runnin' | Cooper Alan | B Major | 5 | 1B | 80 BPM | ||
Lose Her For Nothin’ | Redferrin | A Minor | 7 | 8A | 126 BPM |