"for u / mars" by freazyy had its release date on September 26, 2024. With This song being less than two minutes long, at 1:41, we are fairly confident that this song is not explicit and is safe for all ages. Based on the duration of this song, this song duration is much smaller than the average song duration. Because this song is the only song in for u / mars and no other songs are present in the album, we classify this track as a single. Based on our statistics, for u / mars's popularity is unknown right now. Although the tone can be danceable to some, this track does projects more of a negative sound rather than a postive one.
The tempo marking of for u / mars by freazyy is Allegro (fast, quick, and bright), since this song has a tempo of 152 BPM. With that information, we can conclude that the song has a fast tempo. This song can go great with running. The time signature for this track is 4/4.
A Major is the music key of this track. This also means that this song has a camelot key of 11B. So, the perfect camelot match for 11B would be either 11B or 12A. While, 12B can give you a low energy boost. For moderate energy boost, you would use 8B and a high energy boost can either be 1B or 6B. Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 11A or 10B will give you a low energy drop, 2B would be a moderate one, and 9B or 4B would be a high energy drop. Lastly, 8A allows you to change the mood.
Want to find the BPM and music key for other songs? Check out our BPM and Key Finder page!
Track | Artist | Key | Energy | Camelot | BPM | ||
Jennifer's Body | xtsy* | D♭ Major | 4 | 3B | 79 BPM | ||
505 - Hoodtrap Remix | Hunnid, freazyy | F Minor | 3 | 4A | 100 BPM | ||
Take You Out | Nettspend | F Major | 7 | 7B | 75 BPM | ||
Money Counter | freazyy | A Major | 5 | 11B | 152 BPM | ||
Celebrate | 1oneam | F Major | 5 | 7B | 140 BPM | ||
margiela hoodie | echstacy | A Major | 5 | 11B | 127 BPM | ||
laylow | jaydes | A♭ Major | 5 | 4B | 120 BPM | ||
2024 Freestyle | Nettspend | B♭ Minor | 6 | 3A | 155 BPM | ||
Guns Out! | enessoray | F Minor | 5 | 4A | 157 BPM | ||
answers | knive ♱ | D♭ Major | 4 | 3B | 144 BPM | ||
Free Sumo | Glokk40Spaz, 2wo2imes | D♭ Major | 9 | 3B | 143 BPM | ||
Vogue | 1oneam | D♭ Major | 5 | 3B | 148 BPM | ||
Let's Go Shoppin | jahhde, Ifys | A♭ Minor | 6 | 1A | 75 BPM | ||
4KEEPS | untiljapan | F Minor | 6 | 4A | 135 BPM | ||
make sum noise | freazyy | F Minor | 3 | 4A | 100 BPM | ||
rideoff | xtsy* | B♭ Minor | 7 | 3A | 68 BPM | ||
Gang | Balensia | B Minor | 6 | 10A | 150 BPM | ||
Just Might | Denizlpsevv | F Minor | 6 | 4A | 144 BPM | ||
North Pole | Molly Santana | B Major | 9 | 1B | 138 BPM | ||
Hang Fire | fashion fiend | D♭ Major | 7 | 3B | 133 BPM | ||
trap essay | Dom Corleo | C Major | 3 | 8B | 146 BPM | ||
Crash Out | mist | G Minor | 7 | 6A | 169 BPM | ||
Scammers Jackboys Robbers! | Autumn! | G Minor | 7 | 6A | 140 BPM | ||
Hardcore Drugs | HardRock | F♯ Minor | 7 | 11A | 142 BPM | ||
i can see ya | Onuz! | A♭ Major | 7 | 4B | 145 BPM |