Golden Rhymes

Lunatic Rebels
December 12, 2023
Number of Tracks
Lunatic Rebels
2023 Lunatic Rebels
1South Side Saga by Lunatic RebelsSouth Side SagaLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
2Melodic Drill Rhythms by Lunatic RebelsMelodic Drill RhythmsLunatic RebelsB♭ Minor3A144
3Chi-Raq Revelry by Lunatic RebelsChi-Raq RevelryLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
4Drillbeat by Lunatic RebelsDrillbeatLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
5Magnificent Mile by Lunatic RebelsMagnificent MileLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
6Chicago Manifesto by Lunatic RebelsChicago ManifestoLunatic RebelsB Minor10A149
7312 Streets by Lunatic Rebels312 StreetsLunatic RebelsD♭ Major3B114
8Street Drift by Lunatic RebelsStreet DriftLunatic RebelsD♭ Major3B114
9Lakeside Tunes by Lunatic RebelsLakeside TunesLunatic RebelsE Minor9A120
10Chi-Town Hustle by Lunatic RebelsChi-Town HustleLunatic RebelsE Minor9A120
11Chitown Diaries by Lunatic RebelsChitown DiariesLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
12Drop the Beats by Lunatic RebelsDrop the BeatsLunatic RebelsD Minor7A149
13Harmony Hustle by Lunatic RebelsHarmony HustleLunatic RebelsB♭ Minor3A144
14West Side Melody by Lunatic RebelsWest Side MelodyLunatic RebelsD Minor7A149
15Windy City by Lunatic RebelsWindy CityLunatic RebelsC Major8B150
16Urban Hustle by Lunatic RebelsUrban HustleLunatic RebelsF Minor4A150
17Street Legends by Lunatic RebelsStreet LegendsLunatic RebelsB Minor10A149
188mile Battle by Lunatic Rebels8mile BattleLunatic RebelsB Minor10A149